Dr Saal Seneviratne Expert Witness in Psychiatry

MPS Guide to Writing Expert Reports

MPS Guide to writing expert reports The document  can be found here These are general but helpful guidelines from a medical protection society. Click for The CPS  Guidelines Click here for the Civil Rules The document you provided is a guide from the Medical Protection Society (MPS) on writing expert reports, particularly for medical professionals. […]

Review of Fitness to Practice

Review of Fitness to Practice May 15, 2023 12:32 pm Dr Saal Seneviratne This Article Discusses The Referral Of Doctors To The General Medical Council (GMC) In The UK Based On The Author’s Assessment Of 124 Doctors Between 1990 And 2015. The Author Focuses On Three Categories: Psychiatric Problems, Substance Misuse, And Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour. […]

Applications for Restoration

The outcome of applications for restoration to the Medical Register following disciplinary erasure Journal Article:  May 14, 2023 10:26 am Dr Saal Seneviratne This Article Examines The Outcomes Of Restoration Applications Made By Doctors Whose Names Were Erased From The UK Medical Register By A Disciplinary Tribunal Between January 2012 And June 2020. The outcome of applications […]

Supporting Doctors

Supporting Doctors Supporting Doctors Just like anyone else, doctors, along with other healthcare professionals, can experience mental health issues. It may seem obvious, but many doctors who are not well do not receive the necessary help they need. Their colleagues and managers may fail to recognize their struggles, and even general practitioners may feel unprepared […]